Limpopo Legislature

Supply Chain Management

The Limpopo Provincial Legislature (LPL) has a Supply Chain Management (SCM) process in place. This ensures that we procure goods and services in a fair, economical, cost-effective, and transparent manner. This process follows the following stages:

  1. Demand Management
  2. Acquisition Management
  3. Logistics Management
  4. Disposal Management
  5. Performance Management
  6. Vendor Management

LPL procures goods below R500,000 using the three-quote system. In this system, companies listed on the LPL Vendor Database and/or Centralised Supplier Database are directly requested to provide quotations for goods or services. Click here for details on how to register on the database.

For goods and services above R500,000, LPL uses the tendering/bidding system. This system is applied for all service contracts as well as for goods required above R500,000. LPL advertises bids through the media, the LPL website, and the Government Tender Bulletin/Gazette.

Registering on the LPL Vendor Database does not guarantee receipt of a bid. Bids are advertised across the province to attract wide responses. Companies on the LPL Vendor Database and/or Centralised Supplier Database are only approached when the three-quote system is used.

LPL applies the Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act No.10 of 2009 (FAMPLA) system as well as the LPL Supply Chain Management Policy and the legislative frameworks governing procurement.

Suppliers are paid within 30 days of receipt of invoice. The 15th and 30th of each month are designated for such payments. SMMEs could benefit from payment periods shorter than 30 days.
